First off a huge thank you to Mrs.Spradlin for stepping up today and organizing the spontaneous Basketball Pep Rally. I am sure everything went well and appreciate our Band students for being flexible. There are still a few slots available for tomorrow's Final Four Pep Band. If you would like to go please bring your $7 to me first thing in the morning. Looking at our instrumentation we could really use more percussion and trumpets to participate. The plan is to leave tomorrow around four and stop at Brookwood Mall for dinner. We should have sometime in the mall to walk around before leaving for our performance at the BJCC. It should definitely be exciting to be a Band VIP tomorrow at the event. Here is the itinerary.
Tomorrow's uniform is this years band shirt with dark pants (blue jeans, navy, or Black) no holes in the pants and everyone must wear closed toed shoes. Have a great night and I will see everyone tomorrow.