Sunday, December 6, 2015

Concert Week!!!

Parents and Students,
Concert week is here the Childersburg Tiger Band has two performances this week, our Holiday Concert this Tuesday and the Childersburg Christmas Parade. Here are this weeks announcements:

  • The Childersburg Holiday Concert is Tuesday December 8th at 6:30pm. Admission is free and all are invited. Come out and support these young men and women!
  • The Childersburg Christmas Parade is Thursday December 10th at 6:00pm. 
  • Here is the itinerary for both the Christmas concert and the Christmas Parade (Christmas Performance Week).
  • Debt notices were sent home on Friday. Please keep in mind that for a students to be exempt from exams they must pay their band debt. If the debt isn't paid by December 19th a $40 late fee will be added.
  • After Christmas break we will start preparing for our MPA performance in February. To prepare we have MPA scheduled for Saturday, January 9th from 1:00pm-8:30pm. This MPA event is mandatory. Please make sure this event is in your calendar. 
Have a wonderful week and happy holidays!


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Weekly Announcements

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone has had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving. With school starting back on Monday we only have 7 rehearsals left before our Christmas Concert. Here are this weeks announcements:

  • The Childersburg Holiday Concert is Tuesday December 8th at 6:30pm. Admission is free and all are invited. Come out and support these young men and women!
  • The Childersburg Christmas Parade is Thursday December 10th at 6:00pm. 
  • Here is the itinerary for both the Christmas concert and the Christmas Parade (Christmas Performance Week).
Have a wonderful week and happy holidays!


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Parents and Students,
Thank you to all those who sold fruit and picked it up this past week. We had over five and a half tons of fruit delivered to the band room on monday and as of friday it was all picked up. Here are our announcements for the week.

  • The band preformed great on friday and the Childersburg- Vincent basketball game. Also congratulations to Naz McKenzie, Destiny Williams, and Aaliyah Lauderdale on their big win friday. 
  • The bands are working hard to prepare for the Holiday Concert on December 8th. I look forward to seeing everyone  in attendance. 
  • The Childersburg Christmas Parade is Thursday December 10th, more information will follow after thanksgiving. 
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weekly Announcemnts: Fruit, Basketball, and Booster Meeting

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone had a great weekend. We have quite a few events this week. Please read all of the following announcements:

  • Fruit is Scheduled to be Delivered tomorrow. Parents can plan to pick up fruit after school Monday - Thursday from 3:15-5:00. Fruit can not be picked up during school. All fruit must be picked up before Friday. 
  • This Thursday will be our rescheduled Booster meeting. The Meeting will start @ 6:00pm.
  • This Friday the Childersburg Band is playing at the home basketball game between Childersburg and Vincent. Student will need to report to the by 4:45pm. Attendance in required. Here is the itinerary: Vincent Basketball Game
Have a great week.


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Veterans Day Week Announcements

Parents and Students,
First and foremost I would like to thank those men and women who have protected this country. I and the students of the Childersburg band would not be able to enjoy the freedoms we have without the sacrifices that you have made. Here are the announcements for the week:

  • The band boosters meeting schedule for this Thursday has been rescheduled for Thursday November 19th at 6:00pm. I apologize for the inconvenience but encourage all that can to attend this meeting. 
  • Next Friday, November 20th, the Childersburg Band will perform at the Childersburg-Vincent Basketball game. This is a required performance. An Itinerary will be posted next Sunday. 
  • The Childersburg Holiday Concert is December 8th at 6:00pm. All are welcome!
Have a great week!

Mr. Rogers 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Lincoln Week!!!

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone has had a nice long weekend! It is hard to believe that we are on our final week of the Football season. It has been a great season and the band has accomplished so much. I am incredibly proud of how our students represented the Childersburg community throughout this season. Here are the updates for the week:

  • This weeks game is against Lincoln High School on Thursday. Students will need to report to the bandroom at 4:25pm. Here is the itinerary (Lincoln Game).
  • Tuesday a band account balance update will go home with your child's progress report. This update will include concession stand, and fruit fundraiser profits. Please keep in mind that all band fees must be paid by December 19th to avoid a $40 late fee being added to your band account. 
Have a great week.


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Elmore County Week

Parents and Students,
First and foremost I want to thank our seniors for their many years of dedication to the Childersburg Band program. All senior were recognized on friday at our final home game. These senior have done so much for the Childersburg Community including performing at over 40 Childersburg High School sporting events.
This week for the band we continue to change gears and start preparation for our Christmas concert on December 8th at 6:00pm. Here are our announcements for the week:

  • This weeks football game is away at Elmore County High School. Here is the itinerary (Elmore County). Students will be dismissed at noon from school and must return at 2:00pm. All students are welcome to stay at the bandroom between 12 and 2. We will stop along the way for dinner in Alexander city. Parents and Students please keep in mind that this is a required performance any student not present will be put on probation and their grade will be deducted 1 letter grade.
  • Thank you to all those who sold and purchased fruit for the band fundraiser. The band was able to sell over $7000 dollars in fruit. All proceeds will help the band program continue to repair and purchase new instruments, as well as fund our different trips in the spring. 
  • Save the Date! The Childersburg Band Holiday Concert is December 8th at 6:00pm!!!
Have a great week,


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Leeds Game Week and Fruit Fundraiser Orders Due!!!

Parents and Students,
The Childersburg Band represented Childersburg well at the Chief Ladiga Marching Competition this past weekend. The band scored the following:
Band: Excellent
Percussion: Excellent
Guard: Superior
Drum Major: Superior

Here are the announcements for the week:

  • This week is the final home game of the year which means it is Senior night. Students will need to arrive at the rec by 5:00pm. Which is thirty minutes earlier than usual. Senior parents should be on the look out for information regarding Senior night. Here is the itinerary for the week: Home Game Itinerary. Remember report time is thirty minutes earlier.
  • All Fruit orders are due this Wednesday!
  • Go ahead and save the date. This years Childersburg Band Christmas Concert will be December 8th at 6:00pm.
Have a great week,

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Competition/Munford Week

Parents & Students,
Competition week is finally here. The band had an outstanding performance at the homecoming game, which is a great start to our final week of preparation before our competition this coming saturday. Please read the following announcement closely:

  • This Saturday is the Chief Ladiga Marching Competition at Peidmont High School. Here is the Itinerary (Chief Ladiga Marching Competition). Students will need to report to the band room at 10:30 Saturday morning. Students will need their full uniform, clothes to change into, and money for concessions. If you would like to attend the performance the band is scheduled to perform at 2:00pm.
  • We still need 5 Chaperones for this Saturdays competition. If you would be able to Chaperone please email me at or 256-315-5485.
  • This Friday we play Munford High School away. Here is the Itinerary (Munford Game). Students will need to report to the Band room at 4:25pm.
  • We have a band booster meeting this Thursday at 6:00. All parents are encouraged to attend.
  • We only have one more week until fruit orders are due! So sell, sell, sell!!!
Have a great week,

Mr. Rogers 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Homecoming Week!!!

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone has had a nice weekend. This is a very important week for the Childersburg Band as we prepare for not only Homecoming this week and also our competition which is two weeks away. Here are our announcements for the week:

  • This week is a busy week for the Childersburg Band as we prepare for the homecoming parade and our homecoming game. With the presentation of the Homecoming Court before the game the band will have to arrive at the stadium a half hour earlier. For that reason we are moving up our normal report time from 5:30pm to 5:00pm. Here is our homecoming week itinerary: Homecoming Itinerary
  • The band will participate in the Homecoming Parade this Thursday. This is a required performance. The itinerary is included above. 
  • There will be a band booster meeting next thursday at 6:00pm in the band room. 
  • Don't forget about the fruit fundraiser!!! Only two weeks left!
  • The band is in need of Chaperones for our Band Competition on October 10th. Any parents that are interested in Chaperoning please contact the band office of send work with your child. We will need at least 6 Chaperones to attend this event. 
Have a great week! 


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sylacauga Week

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone enjoyed their friday off and is nice and rested for the upcoming week. We have three rehearsals before we play our rivals Sylacauga this friday, and we have only 9 rehearsal left before we head to Piedmont for our marching competition.  Here are the announcements for the week:

  • This friday we play Sylacauga away. Students will need to report to the band room at 5:00pm. Here is the itinerary for the game: Sylacauga Game
  • Fruit Fundraiser packets went home last Wednesday so Sell! Sell! Sell! All money and orders are due on October 14th.
  • Our Marching Competition will be Saturday October 10th, more information will follow in the next couple weeks. Any parents that would be interested in chaperoning this event please contact me at 
I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Go Tigers!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Bi-Week Announcements

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone is having an outstanding weekend. The band had another strong performance this past friday and we are in great position to prepare for our county showcase this coming Tuesday. Even though we do not have a game this friday the band has a very busy week. Please read all of the following announcements:

  • Congratulations to Jeremy Blakely, Rashawn Brown, Amber Freeman, and Ethan Martin for performing yesterday at the Auburn University Marching Honor Band. Thank you for representing Childersburg High School.
  • Monday's rehearsal will be an entirely outside rehearsal. Students need to make sure to bring the appropriate clothing and prepare throughout the day by eating a healthy lunch and drinking lots of water. We will be outside from 1:40-5:00pm to prepare for our showcase on Tuesday.
  • Tuesday 9/15 is the Talladega County Marching Band Exhibition at Talladega High School. Students will report to the band room immediately following the end of school. We will eat dinner before we leave for Talladega High School however it is encouraged for students to bring money for the concession stand. Childersburg will perform around 5:00pm. Students will need to bring all uniform materials with them to school on Tuesday.
  • Wednesday 9/16 is the start of the Childersburg Band Fruit Fundraiser. Information packets will go home on this day. This year to reach our goal we are asking all members of the band to sell at least five boxes of fruit. Look for this information on Wednesday. All fruit order must be turned in by October 10/14/15.
  •  Friday 9/18 is the Childersburg High School Band's Annual Pep Rally Tour to both elementary schools in our city. This trip will take place during school. Students will need to have all uniform materials on friday as well as money for lunch that day at Taco Bell.
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday and I look forward to seeing many of you at our County Exhibition on Tuesday.

Go Tigers,

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Dadeville Week!!!

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone has had a nice restful weekend. Last Friday's performance was outstanding I am excited to see what we can accomplish this week as we prepare for Dadeville and also the Talladega County Band Director Associations Marching Showcase. Here are the announcements for the week:
  • This friday we play Dadeville away. Here is the itinerary for the game: Dadeville Game Itinerary. Students will need to report to the band room at 4:30pm.
  • We will have a full week of rehearsals this week. Our rehearsals will be Tuesday 2:00-4:00, and Thursday 2:00-4:00. Students please make sure you have the appropriate attire for rehearsal.
  • The next band booster meeting is this Thursday September 10th at 6:00pm.
  • Next Tuesday the Tiger Band will perform at the Talladega County Band Directors Associations Marching Showcase. This is a great opportunity for the band to share their talent with the county and also to prepare for our marching competition in October. All students are required to be at this performance. Here is the itinerary :TCBDA Showcase.
  • This Saturday is the Auburn University Marching Honor Band. Here is the itinerary for the honor band for those students that were accepted: Auburn University Honor Band.
Have a great week.


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Handley Week

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone has had a nice restful weekend. Last Friday's performance was outstanding. I am very proud of the bands hard work last week and it definitely paid off. I am excited to see what we can accomplish this week. Here are the announcements for the week:
  • This friday we play Handley at home. Here is the itinerary for the game: Home Game Itinerary.
  • We will have a full week of rehearsals this week. Our rehearsals will be Monday 3:30-5:00, Tuesday 2:00-4:00, and Thursday 2:00-4:00. Students please make sure you have the appropriate attire for rehearsal.
  • We will have a Pep rally this friday. Students please remember your band shirt.
  • The next band booster meeting is next Thursday September 10th at 6:00pm.
Have a great week.


Sunday, August 23, 2015


Parents and Students,
I hope everyone has had a nice restful weekend. We officially have one game behind us and will start this week to prepare for B.B.Comer this friday. Here are the announcements for the week:

  • This friday we play B.B.Comer at home. Here is the itinerary for the game: Home Game Itinerary.
  • We will have a full week of rehearsals this week. Our rehearsals will be Monday 3:30-5:00, Tuesday 2:00-4:00, and Thursday 2:00-4:00. Students please make sure you have the appropriate attire for rehearsal.
  • We will have a Pep rally this friday. Students please remember your band shirt.
Have a great week.


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Game Week!!!

Parents and Students,
Game week is finally here! This Thursday the Tiger Band will take the field for the first time in the 2015 season. It is going to be a great show so come out and support these students! Here are a few announcements for the upcoming week:

  • Our first game is this Thursday against Reeltown. Here is the itinerary for the game: Home Game Itinerary. It is important that all students report to the rec. center on time. Being late for a performance will result in the student running two laps for every five minutes they are late.
  • We have a pep rally this thursday. Student will need to bring this years band shirt to school to participate in the pep rally. Those students who do not have their materials will not participate in the pep rally. 
  • This Wednesday is instrument testing for beginning band. Testing is from 3:30-6:00. Beginning band students are required to be present with an adult. This is also a great opportunity to purchase an instrument for any upperclassmen that needs a horn.
Have a great week and go Tigers!!!


Monday, August 10, 2015

First full week of school!!!

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone had a nice and restful weekend. Here are a few announcements from the childersburg band:

  • Our first band booster meeting will be this Thursday at 6:00pm. All parents are encouraged to attend. 
  • This week starts first full week of after school rehearsals. As mentioned in our meeting in July I have been able to tweak are rehearsal times to make them more convenient for parents and students:
    • The rehearsal times are: Monday 3:30-5:00, Tuesday 1:40-4:00, and Thursday 1:40-4:00. 
    • Parents please schedule all appointments around these times. 
    • Also if your child works part-time please help them work around the rehearsal time. Remember missing rehearsal for work is considered an unexcused absence and can lead to loss of a performance and a grade reduction.

Have a great week,

Friday, August 7, 2015

Tigerfest Cancelled

Parent and Students,
Due to various factors, Tigerfest, which was scheduled for the saturday, has been cancelled. We will continue rehearsal this coming monday to prepare for our first game performance. Please come out and support your tiger band at their first performance on August 20th.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

First Day of School and Tigerfest

Parents and Students,
It is hard to believe that the summer is over and it is time to start back to school. I am very excited for the year with the largest marching band and largest beginning band that I have seen at Childersburg. This saturday the Tiger band has its first performance at the 2015 Tigerfest. The band is scheduled to perform at 7:00 at John Cox Stadium so come out and be the first to hear this years show. For band students the Tigerfest Itinerary is above and here is the link: Tigerfest 2015
Due to our first performance on Saturday and school starting on Thursday we will have to have an after school rehearsal on the first day of school. Parents please be aware and help your child remember to bring a change of clothes.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Great Childersburg Tiger Band Camp!!!

What a great couple weeks of band camp!!! I am incredibly proud of everything these students have done over the past few weeks. Ever single year I have raised the bar and every year they have met the challenges.
Thank you Jamarius Taylor​, Monique Cowan​,Terencea Holtzclaw​, Payton Rogers​, Jeromy Swann​, and Jenni Finn Spradlin​ for all of your hard work.
I am so excited to see what this band can do this year. I know they will make the Childersburg community very proud.
Go Tigers!!!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Retreat Update: band return at 1:30

Due to construction in Birmingham we will arrive at 1:30

Band Returning at 1:00am

To all parents: The Band will arrive back at the band room from their retreat at1:00am.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Band Camp Retreat

The Childersburg Tiger Band is enjoying a great DCI show at DCI north Alabama

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Help the CHS Band!!!

Parents, Students, and Alumni,
Several of our community members have planned a work day to help clean-up and prepare the concession stand for the upcoming season. We are looking for some help to make things run as smoothly as possible. Any band students, parents, or band alumni that would be willing to help would be greatly appreciated. Please refer to the flyer above for all information about the event. Band students that attend the full event will receive a $20 dollar credit on their fundraising account.

Go Tigers,

Friday, July 17, 2015

Childersburg Band Instrument Drive

Parents and Students,
Due to the massive growth in our band program the Childersburg Band is in much need of instruments. If you, a relative, community or church member has an instrument that you would be willing to donate it would be greatly appreciate. It is my belief that any student who wishes to participate in band should have that opportunity, please help make this possible. Below is an attached flyer. Thank you for your aid.

Childersburg Instrument Drive

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Reminder: Band Camp Parent Meeting Tonight!!!

Reminder!!! the 2015 Band Camp Parent Meeting is tonight at 6:00pm. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Band Camp is almost here!!

Parents and Students,
It is hard to believe that Band Camp is just a week away. We have several different events that are happening this week:

  • Thursday July 16th at 6:00pm is our annual Band Camp Parent Meeting. Every member is required to be at the meeting with a legal guardian. 
  • Percussion Camp is this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:00pm-4:00pm. All percussion students are required to be at camp. 
  • Leadership Camp is this Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00am-4:00pm.
I hope everyone is excited for this upcoming season. This years band camp is going to be the best camp yet. The leadership have been working hard to plan and prepare. I look forward to seeing everyone for our meeting July 16th at 6:00pm, and then again the following monday for camp!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Tiger Band Leadership Working Hard!!!

Our Drum Major and Band Captain have been hard at work these past few days at the National Band Associations summer leadership camp at Auburn University. Next is our full leadership meeting this Tuesday, June 23rd, to plan our activities during band camp. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Band T-Shirts 2015-2016

Parents and Students,
Here is a preview of our band shirt for 2015. The title of our show this year is #Flashback Friday: The 80's, so naturally we went a little retro with our design. Extra shirts will be for sale at our concession stand at every home game until we sell out.

Have a great summer,

Monday, June 8, 2015

CHS Tiger Band Music Online!!!

If you are starting to get those summer blues and need something to pass the time I happy to provide a solution. A lot of the Tiger Band's stands tunes are now available in google drive and recording of the music have now been uploaded into sound cloud. Here are the links:
CHS Tiger Band Music
CHS Tiger Band Sound Cloud
his music includes the new and improved Childersburg James 2015, and our new Marching Band warm-up written specifically for our band. I hope you enjoy and have a great summer!


Friday, May 15, 2015

2015-2016 CHS Tiger Band Leadership

Parents and Students,
First and foremost, thank you parents and students for such a wonderful year. It truly has been a joy to work with you all and I am blown away with how much the band has accomplished this year. I am very excited for our future, and even though these few months of summer will be relaxing. I can not wait to be back with everyone in the fall to start next year.
Thank you to all of those that interviewed for a leadership position with the Childersburg band. It is exciting to see so many so passionate about this band program and to hear your ideas for the future. To all of those selected I ask that you please stop by the band room next Monday or Tuesday to discuss summer leadership dates and expectation. I am excited to see where these leaders take us.

  • Flute Section Leader
    • Katherine Hamilton
  • Clarinet Section Leader
    • Amber Freeman
  • Woodwind Captain
    • Jeremy Blakely
  • Trumpet Section Leaders
    • Destiny Williams
    • Kaylan Blakley
  • Low Brass Section Leader
    • Nia Garrett
  • Tuba Section Leader
    • Ethan Martin
  • Brass Captain
    • Nia Garrett
  • Drum Captain
    • Naz Mckenzie
  • Guard Captain
    • Rebekah Marbury
  • Band Captain
    • Nia Garrett
  • Drum Major
    • Jeremy Blakley
Congratulations to all those selected. Parents and Students please keep up with the blog and your email through out the summer. As the summers goes by I will post important information for everyone on this site. 
Have a great summer and as always GO TIGERS!!!


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Final Few Weeks

Parents and Students,
With summer rapidly approaching, here are a few final announcements for the year:

  • If you have not turned in your retreat letter and money for next year's band camp retreat please do so ASAP. Remember this letter is how we set our numbers for band camp and next year's show. If you do not turn in the letter you will not be able to attend band camp next year.
  • The 2015 Band Banquet is this Friday at the First Baptist Church in Childersburg. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm. Tickets for current band members are free and will be distributed on wednesday. Any parents that would like to attend are welcome. Tickets cost $10 and can be purchased in the band office. 
  • Leadership interviews are this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Sign up for an interview time tomorrow. 
  • Drum Major and Band Captain auditions are this Wednesday after school. 
  • Our Final Band Booster Meeting for the Year is this Thursday at 6:00pm.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I can always be reached on the office phone (205)-601-6614 or by email at If you have a question at anytime during the summer please contact me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Have a great summer.


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Band Calendar 2015-2016

Parents and Students,
To help with scheduling different family events and vacations for the upcoming school year attached to this post is the Band Calendar for 2015-2016. All events on this calendar are required events.
The events that are highlighted are not final but are on the date that I project that we will have those events.
I am very excited about next year. As you can see we are staying busy. Not included on this calendar is a potential band trip next spring. More information will follow throughout the summer about this trip.
Here are a few final announcements:

  • This friday we are performing for the incoming 6th grade students at 8:30 in the morning. Uniform for this event are school approved pants and our blue band shirt. 
  • Students please make sure to turn in your permission form and trip fee for next years Band Camp Retreat. Forms and money is due next Thursday May 7th. 
Have a great long weekend!


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Band Concert Tomorrow!!!

The Childersburg Concert Band will be hosting its Spring Concert tomorrow at 6:00pm. We hope to see you there!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Childersburg Band Program Spring Concert, Thursday April 23 @6:00pm

Parents and Students,
Concert week is finally here. I hope everyone is excited for The Childersburg Band Program’s Spring Concert this Thursday. The students in all of our bands have been working very hard to put on a great concert for the community. The event will start at 6:00pm in the Childersburg Arena with the Childersburg Middle School Beginning Band.
Students are to arrive to the band room no later than 4:30pm. The attire for the boys is: nice black shoes, black socks, black pants, a black belt, and a white-collared shirt tucked in. The attire for the girls is: nice black shoes, black pants or a black skirt (skirt must past the knees when you sit down), and a white-collared shirts or a white blouse.  An itinerary is attached with all of the information for Thursdays concert: Spring Concert Itinerary
On Friday the Childersburg High School band will perform a concert for the incoming 6th graders to encourage them to join our program. The uniform for this will be school pants or shorts and our blue band t-shirt.
On Monday the Childersburg High School band will travel to both elementary schools to perform. The uniform for this trip will be the same as our spring concert. An itinerary is attached with our full schedule for this day: Childersburg High School Elementary Tour
All parents, students, relatives, and members of the community are welcome to our concert. Admission is free. Each band will be performing a wide selection of music guaranteed to be enjoyable. These young men and women have been working very hard so come out and support them!

See you Thursday,


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Drumline Decision Delayed

The Drumline list for the 2015-2016 Season will not be posted today. I apologize for the delay.


Monday, April 13, 2015

Halftime Show 2015 Voting!

Dear All,
Please help the Childersburg Band decide what to perform for the 2015 Halftime Show! Voting starts today and will conclude this friday. The goal of the Childersburg Band is to serve and represent its community and what better way to serve the community then to play a show you would enjoy. Our two choices are as follows:

Dreamworks (Music from the Dreamworks animated movies)
Kung Foo Fighting by: Mardi Gras (Kung Foo Panda)
Boogie Wonderland by: Earth Wind and Fire (Madagascar)
Accidentally in Love by: Counting Crows (Shrek 2)
Happy by: Pharrell WIlliams (Despicable Me)
Here is a link to the music: Dreamworks

#Flashback Fridays: the 80’s!
Billie Jean by: Michael Jackson
Jump by: Van Halen
We are the World by: US for Africa

Don’t Stop Believin’ by: Journey
Here is a link to the music: #Flashback Friday

Click on the link below and vote!

James M. Rogers 

Friday, April 10, 2015

2015-2016 Auxiliary Line Results

Parents and Students,
            First and foremost I would like to thank all those students who auditioned for the 2015-2016 Auxiliary Line. We had a record turn out with 22 students attending auditions. I hope you learned a lot from our clinician Ms.Terrencia and I am very excited about the potential of our guard for next year.
Those who made the 2015-2016 Childersburg High School Auxiliary Line are:

Color Guard:
  • Shalee Carpenter
  • Amai Cohill
  • Terrencia Cook
  • Laterrika Datcher
  • Kiara Garrett
  • Leah Garrett
  • Dynesha Garrett
  • Shayla Garrett
  • Jayla Garrett
  • Oviundra Harris
  • Summer Kissic
  • Rebekah Marbury
  • Melanie Moore
  • Justine Morris
  • Elijah Swain
  • Jalitha Twymon
  • Tori Williams

            If anyone has any question about the audition or the results they are welcome to schedule an appointment with me starting Monday. I will have a brief meeting with the 2015 guard this coming week to discuss camp and uniforms.
            To those that did not make the line, thank you again for auditioning. I hope you learned a lot and will consider auditioning for the line next year.
            I will see everyone tomorrow for Coosa fest. Have a great Friday!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

COOSA FEST PERFORMANCE CHANGED TO 12:00!!! and Band Booster Meeting

There will be a band booster meeting this Thursday at 6:00pm in the bandroom. All are welcome to attend.
Also do to some scheduling conflicts the bands performance time at Coosa fest has been changed from 11:00am to 12:00pm. Here is a revised itinerary: Coosa fest 2015.


Monday, April 6, 2015

Coosafest, Drumline Auditions, Color guard Auditions and more!!!

Parents and Students,
These next several weeks are very busy for the Childersburg band. Here are our events leading up to our spring concert on April 23rd.

  • The April Band Booster Meeting is this Thursday April 9th at 6:00pm in the bandroom.
  • Auxiliary Auditions are this Friday April 10th immediately following school. The list of the 2015-2016 Color guard will be posted on this blog later that evening.
  • This Saturday April 11th is Coosafest. Students will need to be dropped off in front of the 1st Baptist church by 10:15am.
  • Next week will start Drumline Auditions. Auditions are Monday the 13th, Wednesday the 15th and Friday the 17th from 3:30-5:00. there is a 10 dollar audition fee.
Have a great week.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Coosa-fest and Chicken Platets!!!

Parents and Students,
All money for out Chicken plate fundraiser is due today. Also here is the itinerary for our performance next Saturday for Coosafest: Coosafest.


Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Break Announcements

Parents and Students,

  • If you are interested in auditioning for the JSU Honorband please click on the link and submit an application. Applications are due by March, 27th. JSU Honor Band
  • Our third and final fundraiser for the year went home today. We are selling a Chicken plate. The plates includes Half a Smoked Chicken, Cole Slaw, Baked Beans, and a Roll. The cost is 8 dollars per plate. Pick up will be April 11th during Coosafest. All profit goes into your child's band account. 
  • Auxiliary clinics start the tuesday we return from Spring Break. March 31st from 3:30-5:00. Students need to have their $20 audition fee at that time. 
  • Our next concert will be saturday April 11th at Coosafest. More information will follow.
Have a great spring break!


Thursday, March 12, 2015

TCBDA Honor Band

Congrats to all those that made the TCBDA Honor Band from Childersburg. In high school:
Christina Jackson
Ethan Martin
Amber Freeman
Tamara White

In middle school:
Lauren Brannon
Abbey Brown
Vicky Arthur
Laterrika Datcher
Travis Batchelor  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Childersburg Makes Excellent at Contest!!!

The Childersburg Band did outstanding at MPA today!!!! The band made an overall Excellent at the Alabama Bandmaster Association Music Performance Assessment!!! It is a great day for the Childersburg Band!!!!


The Childersburg Band is Lined-up and Ready for MPA!!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

MPA Week #2 Announcements

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone is well. After all of the weather delays we are finally once again at MPA week. Below are several announcements for the week:

  • Here is the itinerary for our MPA Field Trip on Wednesday. MPA Concert
  • Along with MPA this week we also have the TCBDA Honor Band. Auditions are this Thursday, 3/12, after school. Students who are auditioning will need to stay after school to ride the bus to Auditions at Talladega High School. 
  • The Talladega County Honor Band is this Friday, 3/13, and Saturday, 3/14. A bus will leave from the High School each morning for the honor band. Students will need to be picked up after the concert on Saturday at Sylacauga High School. 
  • The Band Parent Meeting Scheduled for this Thursday has been rescheduled due to the honor band. The new meeting date will be Thursday March 19th at 6:00pm. We will discuss plans for the Band Banquet in May. 
  • The Talladega County Master Class Series is next Monday at Lincoln High School. Students that wish to attend need to bring $15 to me by tomorrow. 
It is exciting that even with all these weather days the Childersburg band is prepared and ready for our MPA concert this Wednesday. Performing for the state competition is an outstanding accomplishment. It is not only a chance for the band to perform and compete at the highest level but also a chance for the band to represent their community, and school on a state level. I am incredibly proud of the work that we have put into preparing for this contest and am grateful for the opportunity to work with such fine young men and women. 

Go Tigers,

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

MPA Postponed!!!

Parents and Students,
Due to the inclement weather expected on Wednesday Feb 25 and Thursday Feb 26 our MPA date has been postponed. The new date for MPA is Wednesday March 11th. All other information, times, etc. remain the same. Have a great day and stay warm and safe.


On another and more exciting note: A HUGE congratulations is in order to Christina Jackson!!! Christina was accepted into the Music Education and Saxophone Studio at Auburn University. If she chooses she will have the opportunity to learn from world renown instructor and musician Dr. Michael Pendowski. Congratulations Christina!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Alabama Bandmasters Association Music Performance Assessment is Here!!!

Parents and Students,
Even with all of this winter weather MPA week is here. This friday the Childersburg Concert Band will travel to Gadsden High School to perform at the Alabama Bandmasters Association's Music Performance Assessment, a state wide music competition featuring a judge panel of esteemed judges from across the nation.
Above is a copy of our itinerary and here is a link: MPA 2015. Students will need to come to school in uniform. Besides their music, instrument, and uniform all students will require is some money (about $10-15) for lunch at Gadsden mall. The band has been working very hard to prepare for this concert and I cannot wait for their performance. I know they will represent the Childersburg community well.
Here are several other announcements for the upcoming weeks:

  • All chocolate money is due no later than March 2nd. Any money turned in after the deadline will not be applied to a students account. 
  • The Talladega County Honor Band is coming up. The dates for the honor band are March 13 and 14. Auditions are on March 10th at Talladega High School.
  • Along with the honor band, this year the TCBDA is hosting a masterclass at Lincoln High School for all county students. The masterclass is March 16th and the cost is $10 per student. Payment is due by March 2nd. 
  • Our final fundraiser for the year is quickly approaching. The Band boosters plan to sell dinner plates at this years Coosafest on April 11th. Be on the lookout for more information to come soon. 
Have a great week and stay warm!

Mr. Rogers 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

TCBDA Concert Band Preview Next TUESDAY Feb. 10th

Parents and Students,
It is finally here! Next tuesday is the Talladega County Band Directors Associations Concert Band Preview. This event will include all bands from Talladega county performing their music for the statewide music performance assessment. Students will need to report to the band room immediately following school on that Tuesday. Parents are welcome at this event. The concert will start at 5:00pm at B.B. Comer High School.
To help prepare for MPA students will be wearing the same uniform for this concert as we will for our Statewide performance. Each students is expected to wear black closed toed shoes, black pants, and a all white blouse or button down shirt.
Here is the itinerary for this event: TCBDA Preview itinerary
I hope to see everyone there.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Great MPA Concert Band Camp!!!

The Childersburg Band had a great concert band camp! Thanks to all those that donated their time and made it possible. It is going to be a great spring!
Here are some pictures of the day!

Friday, January 9, 2015

MPA Camp Tomorrow!!!

MPA camp is tomorrow from 12-9. It is going to be a great day of music for the Childersburg Tiger Band!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Booster Meeting Tonight!

Reminder: Tonight is the bi-monthly meeting of the Childersburg Band Boosters. The meeting is at 6:00pm in the band room. All parents are encouraged to attend.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Reminder MPA Camp January 10th 12:00-9:00pm

Parents and Students,
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. This is just a reminder that the Childersburg Band will be having our MPA Camp on January 10th from 12:00-9:00pm. All Band members are required to be there. I look forward to seeing the students on January 7th.
